Empower Yourself with Second-Hand Feminist Books

The Feminist Bookshelf: Discover Second-Hand Gems at Preloved Book Shop


Are you a feminist looking for inspiration? Preloved Book Shop has an excellent collection of second-hand non-fiction feminist books that will make you feel empowered.

Kate Millett’s “Sexual Politics” and “Flying” are two feminist classics that offer an insightful look at gender and sexuality. Helen Garner’s “The First Stone” provides an excellent perspective on harassment and assault, while Malala Yousafzai’s “I Am Malala” will inspire you with her fight for education.

If you’re looking for something more local, “The Lip Anthology” is a collection of Australian feminist art and writing from 1976 to 1984. “She Persists” is another Australian gem, edited by the National Gallery of Victoria.

Other titles include “The Menopause Industry” by Sandra Coney, “Feminist Challenges” edited by Carole Pateman and Elizabeth Gross, and “My Fight / Your Fight” by Ronda Rousey and Maria Burns Ortiz.

At Preloved Book Shop, we believe in empowering women and promoting feminist literature. Browse our collection today and find your next feminist read.

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