Rivers Forever

By Children of the Murray-Darling Basin


Rivers Forever is the eighth collection of children’s art and writing published as part of Special Forever: An environmental communications project, a joint project of the Murray-Darling Basin Commission and the Primary English Teaching Association.

Children from schools all over the Murray-Darling Basin have engaged with the themes of the project in imaginative and sometimes provocative ways. Their written and visual contributions document, explain and explore aspects of the past, the present and the future lives and landscapes unique to them and their communities. Emerging from each contribution within this collection is a sense of the intersection of self, identity and connection that they all have to this very special part of Australia. Join the children as they take you on a journey commencing at the top of the Murray-Darling Basin in Queensland through to the mouth of the Murray River in South Australia.

Follow the flow of the rivers and streams which are the life-blood of the million square kilometres of land known as the Murray-Darling Basin Catchment, and understand the necessity and importance of Rivers Forever.

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