Love Smart: Find the One You Want–Fix the One You Got

By Dr Phillip C McGraw


If you are sleeping single in a double bed or walking down the street thinking, How do I meet that guy?; if you’re on your twentieth date and he’s no more committed than when you first exchanged cell phone numbers; if everyone you know is getting married for the second time and you can’t even get a first date; if you love the one you’re with but the relationship needs some spark…then this book is for you.

In Love Smart: Find the One You Want — Fix the One You Got, Dr. Phil tells people who are dissatisfied with their love lives to stop making excuses — All the good ones are taken; I’m too fat/skinny/boring/unpredictable for anyone to love me; I should stick with the relationship I have, I’m not going to do any better — and start taking action.

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