The Silver Eggheads

By Fritz Leiber


Meet some of the insufferably zany characters that inhabit the mad, gay, heady world of the ‘arts’…

GASPARD DE LA NUIT – human journeyman writer. He has problems with an eager girl-friend, Heloise Ibsen (assigned to him by his publisher). What he really loves is the robot that actually writes his novels, which he oils with devoted care.

His closest friend is ZANE GORT – a fine, upstanding, self-employed robot writer, Zane writes books for other robots and is madly in love with.

MISS BLUSHES – a censor-robot who is something of a prude and rather hysterical – very logical when you consider that her circuits are wired for censorship, but it makes life difficult for Zane. He turns for help to NURSE BISHOP – a small, but formidably beautiful, human who plays nursemaid to a mysterious group of near-human entities who are owned by FLAXMAN AND CULLINGHAM – human publishers of low cunning and deplorable language.

And there are many, many more…

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