The Forests of Avalon

By Marion Zimmer Bradley

# 2 in Avalon


“Her awareness flared with images of blood and splendour, battles and stone cities … and finally a fair-haired man with Gaius’s eyes who rode to battle with the image of the Lady on his shield …”

Eilan, daughter of the Druids, is destined to serve as a virgin priestess in the Forest House of Avalon; Gaius, son of a Roman father and British mother, serves with the legions. Trapped between a love that can never be permitted and duty to their irreconcilable cultures, their hearts and minds are in turmoil as Rome and the tribes clash in the bitter struggle for Britain. Yet it is foretold by High Priestess Caillean that from their tragic union of Eagle and Dragon will come one day a defender of the land …

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