The Diamond Valley Story

By Dianne H Edwards


This substantial and significant history is one of the really essential books which all members interested in the history of Heidelberg and district should have, for, as indicated in this work, the Diamond Valley and Heidelberg were linked together in a municipal, economic and geographical sense throughout their history and still have strong links.

This work of 191 pages, with numerous illustrations, covers the entire period of the history of the Shire area, from Greensborough to Hurstbridge (to 1979). Starting with a geographical setting, Miss Edwards traces the early development of the historic district from Hume & Hovell to the first explorers and settlers with some discussion on the meeting of John Batman with the aborigines here. Details of the early residents follow with numerous portraits, including the Beales of St Helena and the Ryries of Yering. In part 2, the account continues of the later settlers and squatters like Henry Foley and C. S. Haley. The gold discoveries on the Plenty and at the Diamond Creek and Queenstown area then follow with the development of the townships of Hurstbridge and Diamond Creek, with details of the mines and miners of the last century until its decline in the 1870’s.

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