Men Only : Kiss My Palate

By Gwen Hall


Men Only: Kiss my Palate is a cookbook and coffee table book that will appeal to those who want to keep romance on the front burner.

While it is directed towards a male audience, the subject will appeal to the general public. This book has everything to create a perfect evening – ambience, menus, recipes, libations and more.

The book focuses on the joy of eating, cooking and dating. The recipes are fun and easy to prepare, because good food is sexy in its own way. The recipes will turn a novice chef into a master chef – when in reality these are the same men who believe the best cookbook is the telephone directory.
Men Only: Kiss my Palate has menus for first dates, encore evenings, mornings – after breakfasts, and other romantic interludes to keep relationships alive. This book has colour photos, narratives and notable quotable about edibles and potables.

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