Magic and Loss

By Greg Raver Lampman


In Letters to His Young Daughter, a Father, Suddenly Facing Death, Rediscovers Life.

Let the author of these beautiful letters tell it:

“My own confrontation with mortality stunned me, coming when it seemed I was far too young, 37, with a rewarding career, a loving marriage and a recently adopted daughter. In the spring of 1992, I. learned that I suffer from an illness that, almost certainly, will be terminal… In my own confrontation with mortality, something..utterly meaningless showed the way to deeper meaning.
“When I wrote the letters compiled here, I had no notion of publishing them as a book. They were my private communications, my legacy to my [three-year-old] daughter, my recording of my love for her, of her love for me.”

If you read Magic and Loss, you will understand why Reader’s Digest chose it as its Christmas-issue condensed book section. It is a strangely exhilarating book that takes the reader through a full range of emotions: shock, grief, anger, sadness, to joy and an appreciation of the beauty and value of every moment.

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