Lathe Work

By Department of Labour and National Service


Technical publication No. 9, August 1943.


To be an efficient worker, you need three qualifications:-
1. Knowledge of your trade.
2. Skill in the use of your tools.
3. Correct Work Habits and Attitudes.
While skill is essential, good work habits count far more than excess of skill.
Good work habits should be learned from the first and they can only be developed by constant practice.
The only way to break a bad habit is to practice a correct one in its place.

Some desirable work habits and attitudes are as follows:-
1. Punctuality and regularity of attendance.
2. Obedience to orders and directions.
3. Orderly procedures.
4. Accuracy of work.
5. Cleanliness.
6. Proper care of tools and machines.
7. Economy in the use of materials and supplies.
8. Acceptance of advice and criticism.
9. Co-operation with .others.
10. The desire to learn:If you don’t understand, ASK.

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