Freedom Is: Liberating Your Boundless Potential

By Brandon Bays


This is a book about freedom – freedom in the truest and deepest sense, freedom on all levels of being.

Have you ever longed to experience the boundless potential of your own self, to directly, openly feel the natural joy, freedom and peace in the core of your being? Have you longed to live your life in the embrace of grace, as the real you, naturally free from limitations, open to the wonder, passion and fullness of life?

In this remarkable, groundbreaking book, Brandon doesn’t just talk about freedom, she gives you a direct living experience of it. Effortlessly she guides you into the stillness and joy within, gently liberating emotional blocks, lifting away negative self-concepts, releasing past limitations and opening you into the soaring magnificence of your own self.

With insight, clarity and compassion she offers powerfully effective process work, user-friendly tools, deeply freeing meditations, evocative contemplations and inspiring stories that will open your heart and draw you into the sublime presence of freedom.

This book is a powerful call from deep within to come home to your own boundless potential. It is calling you right now, inviting you to set yourself free to live in the effortless grace of freedom.

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