Fortune’s Rocks

By Anita Shreve

# 1 in Fortune's Rocks


Hester Prynne never had it so good!

The year is 1899, and Olympia Biddeford, the headstrong daughter of a Boston Brahmin family, has decided to test the limits of her cloistered world. Spending the summer at her father’s New Hampshire estate, the teenage heroine of Fortune’s Rocks is entranced with the visiting salon of artists, writers and lawyers. She’s especially captivated, however, by John Haskell, a charismatic physician who ministers to the blue-collar community in the nearby mill towns. This middle-aged Good Samaritan hires Olympia to assist him as a nurse and their collaboration soon evolves into a fiery love affair. Alas, it’s only a matter of weeks before this passionate exercise in managed care is exposed–with disastrous consequences for the young, impregnated heroine. Even her adoring father now considers her “an over-plump, 16-year-old girl whose judgement can no longer be trusted” and insists that she break off her relationship.

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