Counsels and Ideals: From the Writings of William Osler

By William Osler


It would be difficult to overpraise Osler. He was heart and soul in love with life—a man most loveable, courteous, gracious, of unfailing sympathy, hopeful, generous.

Toronto, Montreal, Baltimore, Oxford—these universities were the stages of his work for mankind: a great teacher, a good example to all of us, a foremost representative of the science and art of medicine. He came from America to England as Mr. Lowell came, as an Ambassador: and by his culture, his devotion to the humanities, and his admirable gift of speaking well and writing well, he delighted Oxford as Lowell delighted London. It was an unheard-of thing, that Oxford should get a Regius Professor of Medicine from Baltimore: but it was a grand success. He drew together, in his profession, so far as one man could, America and England. He came at the end of the Augustan Age in Oxford: and it was like home to him.

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