Changing Agriculture: An Introduction to Systems Thinking

By Jim Wilson


The aim of this book is to introduce the reader to systems concepts and processes.

The author logically develops the case for systems thinking for the practical purpose of improving situations in agriculture. The style is concise and readable, incorporating helpful examples and illustrations. The book should therefore prove of great benefit to secondary and tertiary students in agriculture and associated fields, and to those in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of agriculture who have a particular interest in improving situations.

Jim Wilson was a member of a team of seven which initially introduced the Systems approach to the University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury. He is a graduate of Hawkesbury, and of Purdue University, Indiana where his academic and research work led to him being awarded membership of Gamma Sigma Delta, and Sigma Xi honour societies. Jim Wilson’s first book Keeping a Cow has proved very successful.

He was a lecturer at Hawkesbury for many years and in retirement continues his links with that institution as a Faculty Associate. He does some consulting in the area of systems thinking in agriculture and maintains his links with practical farming in that he owns and runs a 540 ha cattle and timber property northwest of Dorrigo, New South Wales.

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