Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh Unofficial Collector Guide, Issue 20

Edited By Beckett

# 20 in Yu-Gi-Oh Unofficial Collector Guide


Oct-Nov 2005.

Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh! Collector was a bi-monthly unofficial magazine publication by Beckett Media that ran from 2002 to 2008. Similar to the Shonen Jump publications, Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh! Collector contained among other things, anime-related information and news as well as trading card game releases and strategies as well as video games and even toys, albeit this publication focused solely on the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. The most notable signet contain within however, was a comprehensive price guide for every individual card (both in English and Japanese) released in both the TCG and the OCG at the time of each issue’s release.

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