A Dove at the Window: Living Dreams and Spiritual Experiences, with passages from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg

By Vera P Glenn


Do our loved ones who have died still care about us? Is God concerned that we are grieving?

Vera P. Glenn has put together a collection of true stories from people who have been dealing with the death of someone they care about. In His mercy, God permitted brief but powerful communications between the natural and spiritual worlds — confirmations that life and love continue after death. We are always being thought about and loved from the spiritual realm, and our Heavenly Father constantly desires to comfort us. Sometimes that comfort takes the form of dreams or of other glimpses into the life beyond.

You will be amazed at the varity of comforting messages here described. For each story, Vera has chosen one or more quotations from the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, which speak about elements of the spiritual world that are demonstrated in the dreams or experiences.

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