The Serpent Bride

By Sara Douglass

# 1 in DarkGlass Mountain


The land of Tencendor is no more. But not everyone is dead.

Many Icarii survive in the courts abroad, while Stardrifter Sunsoar, father to Axis, lives within the corrupt Palace of the First in Coroleas. Not event the Star Dance is as dead as the Icarii Enchanters had believed, for a strange race living in the northern wastes can still hear, and use, the music of the heavens.

Other ghosts from the past wait in the shadows. The Skraelings once again gather in the north. Far across the Widowmaker Sea a pyramid broods and plots revenge on those who had once thought to destroy it. To the east, at the edge of the world, an ancient serpent god uncoils, sending an unwilling woman to be the bride of the enigmatic Lord of Elcho Falling.

As men, Icarii, ice wraiths and ancient gods gather for war, a legend rises from the dead – Axis Sunsoar, come to regain his heritage and the Star Dance, and to battle new dangers across a vast, mysterious land.

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