The Mother Earth News
By Various
MOTHER didn’t originate that line, but she’d like to use it now to entice you to join her family for a lifetime.
Yep, that’s a mighty long spell … and the tariff of $120 is a nice little chunk of change. But, dadgum it all, 58 other folks have already signed up for the duration and that $120 will certainly be put to good use on this end.
It’s not just for the magazine, you know. MOTHER is putting all payments received for lifetime subs into a special land-buying fund for her Ecological Research Center, Or, to be more specific, here’s what happens when you cough up 120 iron men:
(1) It will make it just that much easier for us to keep on putting out bigger and better MOTHERS.
(2) It will assure you of receiving those issues for-evermore.
(3) It will help us finance the research center.
That’s really stretching the old buck these days.
In return for your contribution, you personally will receive:
(1) MOTHER forever and ever.
(2) Recognition-unless you request otherwise-in the magazine.
(3) A genuine Certificate of Thanks from MOTHER.
(4) Your name-unless you request otherwise-listed permanently at the center as one of The People Who Made This Research Center Possible.
(5) The satisfaction of having been part of, we hope, Something That Counts.
We think this proposition gives you your money’s worth, MOTHER her money’s worth and —with every small development made at the center-the planet its money’s worth.
And, besides that, MOTHER ain’t even started good yet. The best is definitely ahead of the old gal yet… so why not make sure you’re all signed up right proper to both help make and enjoy the coming Good Times with her?
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