The Divine Symphony: A Requiem for Love / A Symphony in Sand
By Calvin Miller
Who better than Calvin Miller to write two rich allegories, first one that dips the rebellion in heaven into the lore of middle earth, producing a fresh tale of creation and a new telling of the genesis of the human story.
His poetic pen plays off the images of light and darkness, as well as the power of love and the love of power, as he sketches the gift of choice from the Creator to the created. It is the creation story of fallen love, of impossible dreams and ancient longings, of frustrated ambition and a love renewed to endure forever.
And this is followed by the redemption story, the great love story of Earthmaker toward his creation, and of a man and woman whose very souls are tested and strengthened as their simple longings for happiness are diverted by the call to participate in the cosmic drama. As the young maiden Trouvere struggles with the wonder and reality of a heavenly proposal that will bring unspeakable joy in the midst of devastating pain, will her betrothed withstand the archenemy’s onslaught of lies?
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