New Zealand Flowers and Plants in Colour

By JT Salmon


This is without doubt the most comprehensive, useful – and beautiful – book on New Zealand flora ever published.

The author and the publisher have been unsparing in their efforts to make it the definitive work on a subject which is universal in its appeal, and it will be essential reading for all who need accurate reference for studying and identifying the flowers and plants that they see.

All the colour plates are reproduced from transparencies taken by the author. Professor Salmon has brought to his tremendous task a unique combination of scholarship, photographic skill and physical stamina: his botanical and photographic expeditions have taken him throughout the length and breadth of New Zealand, for his specimens have been found in every type of natural habitat, from shoreline to mountaintop.

The plates are accompanied by the scientific, common and Maori names of the plants and informative captions. Seperate chapters describe the general groupings of the flora in more detail, with cross-references to the plates. There is also a comprehensive index.

The plants are presented in sections according to habitat – seaside plants, coastal plants, forest plants and so on – so the book becomes a useful field guide, providing identification and descriptions of plants found as well as information on others likely to inhabit the same environment.

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