More Taste Of Life

By Julie Stafford


Here is the eagerly awaited sequel to TASTE Of LIFE, the book which has sold over ¼ million copies.

A diet largely based on a low-fat, salt-free, sugar-free regime need never be boring. Julie Stafford’s creative flair reaches new heights in this exciting and innovative range of epicurean delights.

MORE TASTE OF LIFE has recipes to meet all your needs: from simple but delectable spreads and preserves to tempting gourmet dishes and exotic desserts.

Those special occasions can still be enjoyed on a Pritikin-based diet too.

Turkey and plum pudding remain a delicious but wholesome part of Christmas; children’s parties are full of fun and colour; and the great Australian barbecue holds a firm place in this enticing but nutritious and rejuvenating fare.

Not only will you enjoy the cuisine which MoRE TASTE OF LIFE has to offer, but the vitality and energy it brings you will be its own reward.

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