By RJ Unstead
The monastery of the Middle Ages was a place of great activity. Every day, knights, merchants, pilgrims and beggars came to the gateway for food and shelter.
Wagons and packhorses brought in stores for the cellarer. Sometimes the Abbot entertained a great noble, and the guest house was loud with the din of his retainers. At other times, when the crops failed and famine threatened, crowds of villagers waited at the gate.
The work of the monastery went on ceaselessly, for it was hospital, church, inn, school, library, business house and farm, as well as a centre of religious and civilised life.
This books tells of the life of the monasteries and the work of the monks. The illustrations are by J. C. B. Knight, who has already collaborated with Mr. Unstead in illustrating the phenomenally successful series Looking at History and People in History.
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