Greening of America

By Charles A Reich


“There is a revolution under way. It is not like the revolutions of the past. It has originated with the individual and with culture, and if it succeeds, it will change the political structure only as its final act. It will not require violence to succeed, and it cannot be successfully resisted by violence..”

Thus Charles Reich in this extraordinary book which raced to the top of the American non-fiction best seller lists and which (according to the Sunday Times) ‘has unleashed a debate that reminds some in its impetuosity and effervescence of the one that followed Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, and others of the Kinsey Report.’

Optimistic, lucid and wide-ranging (across economics, history, law, sociology, psychology and philosophy), The Green ing of America shows not only how the corporate state has usurped all values but how the young generation – in their creativity, their rediscovery of community and freedom – has set in train a movement that may transform America… and even the world.

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