Creative Enamelling and Jewellery-Making
By Katharina Zechlin
The art of enamelling has existed since ancient times.
With the simple, inexpensive modern equipment available today, anyone can enjoy this rewarding and fascinating artistic activity. One of the nicest things about enamelling is that it does not require the dextrous “talent” of painting and sculpture. Enamelling requires nothing more than an appreciation of colours and textures, though, of course, artistic ability is certainly not a handicap. Anyone can produce strikingly beautiful enamelled objects right from the beginning. Enamelling will allow you the freedom to express your own taste and develop your creative spiritβ you will be limited only by your own imagination and enthusiasm.
In this book you will become acquainted with all the different techniques used in enamelling, and given detailed instructions. Profuse illustrations will guide you step-by-step to a thorough and firmly grounded knowledge of the basic enamelling techniques. Also photographed in this book are many examples of more complicated enamel creations which when you have become more expert in the techniques of enamelling, you can use as models on which to base your own designs.
With enthusiasm, modest effort and a little patience, you will find deep joy and great satisfaction in enamelling. Add to this the joys of creating and the great pleasure you will derive from giving gifts of jewellery, shimmering with colour, planned and executed for someone special.
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