Benchmarking: Taking Your Organisation Towards Best Practice!

By Anne Evans


Here’s your step-by-step plain English guide to the phenomenon separating more and more of the best in business from the also-rans.

Benchmarking. It seems the whole world wants to go a-benchmarking!

You discover it’s not hard with author and benchmarking expert Anne Evans. Mathematical and technical jargon is dispensed with.

“Benchmarking is deciding what is important. Understanding how you now do it and how well you do it. Learning from others how they do it,” explains Anne Evans.

“Then applying what you have learnt in a way that leads to your doing it better than before. Then you do it all again.” You benefit with benchmarking right away. You’re measuring yourself against the best, finding out how they do it, how you can too.

Ten sections of this book give you all you need. You get a do-it-yourself benchmarking tool kit, including:

1. So, What is Benchmarking?
2. A Bird’s Eye View of Benchmarking
3. A Benchmarking Quickstart
4. Setting Up Teams for Benchmarking
5. Process Analysis Tools for Benchmarking
6. Developing the Skills of Benchmarking
7. Narrowing the Benchmarking Focus
8. Managing Benchmarking Partnerships
9. Measuring Yourself Against the Benchmark
10. Managing the impact of Benchmarking

Author, Anne Evans, works on benchmarking with major businesses, government and non-profit organisations in Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Anne is the editor of the newsletter, Benchmarking HR, and author of the acclaimed book, Managing People.

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