Henry Blogg of Cromer: the Greatest of the Lifeboat-men

By Cyril Jolly


One of the bravest men who lived’ is how Henry Blogg, coxswain of the Cromer lifeboat for 38 years, was described by Viscount Templewood, President of the Cromer branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

Henry Blogg joined the Cromer lifeboat in 1894 at the age of 18. At 26 he was second cox and at 33 became cox. He retired in 1947 at the age of 71. During his 53 years’ service the Cromer boats were out 387 times and saved 873 lives.

No other lifeboatman has ever won as many medals as Henry Blogg. He won the gold medal (the lifeboatman’s VC) three times and the silver medal four times. He also won the George Cross and was awarded the British Empire Medal.

‘He was a big man in every sense of the word, ‘ said the Chief Inspector of Lifeboats in a broadcast tribute in 1954, ‘a kindly, genial man of exemplary character and possessing a youthful spirit; a magnificent seaman with the courage of a lion; a man of quick decisions and resolute action.’

Author, Cyril Jolly, 1910-1994, gives an impressive portrait of Blogg and his deeds. Cyril Jolly made an important contribution to Norfolk’s story through his several books on people, places and events in the county. He seized the moment after Henry Blogg’s death to talk to the men and women who had known Blogg, who had served with him and who had been rescued by him. We must be grateful to him for taking that opportunity and admire his ability to convey the story in such a vivid style.

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